The Speciality of Spring Farm Childcare

A speciality of Spring Farm Childcare is the development of after school care services to meet the needs of families who have working parents and flexible hours. Spring Farm also designs programs that help children prepare for kindergarten so they can attend classes with their peers without feeling isolated or different from the other children in the same classroom. After school care for preschool-aged children serves as an exceptional option when it comes to promoting social and emotional development. This type of childcare can be especially valuable for those families who have at least one pre-school child.

spring farm childcare

The Speciality of Spring Farm Childcare

The establishment offers child care services in three distinct areas. Early Childhood Education Programs (ECEP), Special Care Child Care (SCC) and Early Childhood Development (ECD) are the services offered by the childcare centre. ECD provides services for children during the earliest years of their lives – before they reach the preschool age. Special care child care services are specifically designed to meet the needs of special needs and those with disabilities. Early childhood education programs provide children with academic and social development, while at the same time providing them with the knowledge and skills they will need to compete in a real world environment.

Apart from offering quality child care services, the Spring Farm Childcare Centre also offers educational programs for preschool and kindergarten children. These educational programs are designed to enhance the skills of children by training them in academics and motivate them to learn. These services are provided by trained teachers and instructors who are committed to ensuring that children learn new skills in an enjoyable manner.

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